Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sundy ReCap, high school

We are back in our series "The Bible Jesus Read" which is a basic overview of the Old Testament. This week we looked at the Patriarchs, with a focus on Abraham. We see in the story of "Father Abraham" that he was an amazingly faithful guy. Picking up and leaving his comfortable known surroundings of his hometown and going to the place that God would show him. Very faithful. Trusting God to give him a son in his old age. Also very faithful. I love that it says Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness. Yes, he had faith in God, and it put him in right standing in God's eyes. Abraham must of been practically perfect to have faith in God and be in right standing with Him.


Yes, I said wrong. Abraham was faithful. I am not taking that away from him. But to put things on the realistic side, he was human. Just like you, and just like me. He made mistakes. Just like you and just like me.

Take for example Genesis 12. He had faith in God because he went to the new place...but when it got hard (a famine coming into the land) he high tailed it down to Egypt. It gets worse, he then lied to Pharoah about being married to Sarah. They took Sarah, because she was a very beautiful women (even as a senior citizen). Abe got paid off the dowry and all was looking pretty good. But God had plans for Abe and Sarah and would not let his sin get in the way of those plans. He rebuked Pharoah, Sarah went back with Abe, and they went back to Canaan.

This was just one example we looked at...but we see that God still forgave Abe and used him for His plans. Do you realize what this means? We can still be used by God! Even when we make a mistake, we humble ourselves, seek God's forgiveness, and move on. How refreshing grace is!

We also talked a lot about spinny rides vs. roller coasters. But that is the stuff you had to be there for.

Much Love,

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