Monday, October 27, 2008

Sunday ReCap, experience God:Wisdom

We had a great Experience God Sunday yesterday, if you missed it, I feel for you. I literally feel for you. And I have no idea what that means...I suppose it means I am sad that you missed it for a number of reasons.

Reason number four. I "feel" that you had a great opportunity to be with the whole group. If you are a middle Schooler then you missed out hanging with the high schoolers. If you're the opposite, then you missed out setting an example for the younger ones (and their are some really cool middle schoolers this year!).

Reason number three. I "feel" that you missed a rare opportunity to do something different on Sunday morning. If you are tired of me or Scott (or Scott!?, yeah right) giving messages every Sunday then you missed out on hearing some wise people answer your life questions.

Reason number two. I "feel" for you because wiser people than me had some great Godly answers to your very unGodly questions. Just kidding about that last part, but we had some great questions from the heart of where you (teenagers) are today. Questions like "Do you ever feel like you can't do it anymore?" and "What did you do when you feel like God is trying to tell you something but you don't know what?" and "Can we have chairs hanging from the cieling?"

The number one reason why I feel for you is...boy, a lot of suspense for this one. If you missed this Experience God Sunday where you could have had wise people like Jim Ramsey, Kevin and Dana McClain, Kelley DeMoss, Matt and Brooke Edwards, and Carina Schubert answer some very tough questions (yes, tougher than the silly hanging chair one) then you will never be wise. Well, you can. It just takes some trial and error on your part, and it would have been easier for you to hear how older and smarter people than you went through the same problems and questions that you went through. So for that, I feel for you.

much Love,

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