Monday, November 10, 2008

Here's the cat...heres the bag

If you have been on the edge of your seat wondering where this years' student mission trips are going to be, you had to wait no longer than yesterday! I was so pleased to see the parents' interest in taking part in the meeting and getting the information first hand, a big thank you from Scott and myself!

So, after much prayer and consideration, we are staying close to home; relatively.

Vancouver, BC, Canada is relatively close to us, yet it seems like another country. That is where Scott is headed for his 7th and 8th grade missions trip (he prefers the "s" on the end). He is excited to lead the trip and watch how God can grow in the hearts of the middle schoolers. The dates for this trip are March 30th to April 2nd. You do need a passport, so get started on that soon!

As for the High Schoolers, our mission trip (no "s") is relatively close. Meaning a 10 hour drive to beautiful Glacier Park, Montana; where we will be working on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation bringing the hope of Jesus to a community that has been struggling to regain their hope for a hundred years. This trip is scheduled for early or mid July, depending on how many spots are available, we will know the dates for sure by December.

So there you have it. The cat is officially out of the bag, mostly.


We had the Crosswalk Gala Auction meeting as well. Remember, remember, remember, that if you want to go on either trip you must participate in the auction. Please start to collect your items now, for the gala on February 7th.

much Love,

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