Monday, April 27, 2009

Sunday ReCap, experience God:Prayer

This past Sunday was experience God. Let me tell you, I have grown to like experience God Sundays. I like that the younger kids get to see the older kids step out. I like how the older kids are great models for the younger kids. And I like how the younger kids speak out after seeing the older kids speak out. I like saying the same things over again, but in different ways.

But all kidding aside, I think it was a good Sunday. Prayer is something that many believers don't know how to do very well, simply because they go to God with three requests. "Help!", "Thanks!", and "Sorry!". But we see that prayer can be so much more than that!

Sunday the kids did a couple of simple prayer activities. We didn't teach them A.C.T.S., but we showed them the Ignatius of Loyola prayer method, and a little bit of Lecto Divina. Aren't you impressed?

I was! To see the kids sit in a big circle, meditating on God and phrases from God's word was really really neat. To hear what the kids picked up out of it was also encouraging for them to be honest and open about where they are in life. To see them apply what they just learned through taking a psalm and praying through that was also very cool.

If you missed Experience God, don't worry. We still have two left. And they are already planned. :)

much Love,

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