Friday, February 6, 2009

So much to do, so little time

Do you ever wonder why God only put 24 hours in a day? Sometimes I wish that he made 28 hours in a day. Think about that...if only we had four more hours to do whatever needed to get done. If I devoted fours hours completely to learning the guitar, I would rock. Or if I shot a basketball four extra hours a day, I would rarely miss. Or if I spent four hours more with my wife everyday, we would have an even more awesome relationship (she might get tired of me though). Or, this is going to sound crazy, but what if we spent four hours a day just hanging out with God? Reading His word, memorizing it, singing to him, praying to him. That would be amazing!

But to be honest, I don't think I would use the four hours productively all the time. You know what I mean. When you heard "four hours more" some of you were like...yeah, I could use four more hours of sleep. Or yeah, four more hours of WoW (which I have never played, simply because it seems like a colossal time waster in which I would then need 32 hours in a day to make up for all the lost time a spent playing a video game).

I guess what I am trying to get that I want to do too much sometimes. And I think that some of you out there are on the same track. We try to do as much as we can because we like people, or we like sports, or we like music, or we like ______ (that's a fill in the blank, duh).

But God is good. He made the day with 24 hours in it because he knew that if we had more time, then it still wouldn't be enough. We would still have days that were productive and glorifying to Him, and we would still have days where we have a million things to do and do only one of them. But what are the important things? What are the things that we should be doing no matter what? I don't think that it is an actual thing to do...I think that it is a thing to be.

We need to just be sometimes. We are not human doings, but human beings. We are not defined by what we do but who we are. Being good at music doesn't define me, or being good at basketball or WoW doesn't define me. It is not what I do, it is what I am.

So, regardless of what I do in a day, am I the best husband I can be? Am I the best son I can be? Am I the best child of God I can be? Am I the best youth pastor I can be? I think if we ask these questions to ourselves we will end up doing the things that need to be done, because of who we are. Think about that.

I was really tempted to go into the theology behind DC Talk's (not so) hit song "time is tickin away" but that might be too much decent Christian talk in one week. So lets strive to be, as opposed to do, and I think it will all fall into place.

And yes, I wrote this because I wish there was more time to prepare for the busy weekend. But God is good and He has it all planned out for us. We just need to be his children.

much Love,

p.s.- my favorite line from that song..."get busy like a school boy makin' an A, cause time my brotha' is tickin' away." I know. Profound.

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