Monday, September 29, 2008

Experience God Sundays

Yesterday we had our first "Experience God" Sunday at CrossTalk (our catchy name for sunday school). Scott and I thought it would be cool to bring the students together once a month to experience God in a new and unique way.

I thought yesterday was great. We wanted to experience God through Worshiping Him with singing. Sounds unique doesn't it? Well, we did it a little different than you might be thinking. It was set up as a "Worship through the Ages" and we looked at how people praised God through song in Jesus' day (or how we think the chant sounded), we then looked at what singing praises to God looked like for the monks. Thanks to Nate Cripps for showing us how Gregorian Chant would have sounded like, and even explaining the latin you were chanting.

We then moved on to more familiar territory. We sang old hymns. Starting back in 1707 we sang a song that has been praising God for over three hundred years. Very cool! We moved from hymns to the spiritual songs/hymns of the 19th century, then went right into the awesome 80's! Shine Jesus Shine still has a special place in my heart, a place that I don't like to think of very often...which takes us to the point of the day. God can be praised, even if we don't like the style of song we are singing.

Let me say it again. God can be praised, even if we don't like the style of music.

That is something that plagues our churches here in America! That is something that plagues our church at Believers Fellowship, starting with me. I need to remember that when I sing to God, it is about Him. It is about praising Him, and not about pleasing me or my favorite style (which is early 90's white Christian rap ie. DC Talk style).

So next time you go to church, and there is worship through singing, try to praise God even if you don't like that music.

Look for more "Experience God" Sundays on the last Sunday of every month. It will bring a fresh view of God as we experience Him in a different way every month.

much Love,

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