Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Small Vision for the future...

I am now entering another world. I have read a lot of blogs...and they can get pretty intense. I am pretty sure that our blog won't have any controversial topics like injustice missions raiding abortion clinics, or emerging church vs. emergent church, or even if the roll should go over the top or underneath.

This blog was created because we as CWSM just wanted a way that we can communicate with you, let you know our hearts, and to keep you updated with the happenings around the church. For starters...we (the CWSM staff) are starting to toss around new ideas of why we do what we do...

Not that what we are doing is bad, in fact I have loved getting to know you as a group and as individuals. It's just that we don't have any clear picture of where we want to see students be in their walk with God by the time they graduate high school. We are working hard trying to understand YOUR needs. We are piling over adjectives to describe the young adolescent mind. We are racking our brains for the proper wording of a purpose statement that you can be proud of. We are discussing and deliberating over the proper usage of adverbs. All things that are very important when trying to create a new purpose statement.

As a sneak peak for all of you who are just dying to know what we are all about as a ministry (hundreds I'm sure) I will tell you this. Where we are going is not flashy. We are not going to train squirrels to duel with lightsabers in order to get you to come out. What we want to do is provide an opportunity for you to be able to connect with God, connect with other students, and connect with caring adults who are smarter than you and have all the answers. Wait, that last one should just read caring adults. Sorry.

It's as simple as that. What that looks like may be similar to what we are doing. There may be small changes in the coming summer and following year. Know this, we are praying for you, and for the ministry that God has called us to be a part of.
We love you (phileo that is) and we can't wait to see what God has planned for CWSM.


1 comment:

Laura :) said...

That's because the toilet paper always rolls over the top. End of story.