I can't wait to get back in the swing of life! Maybe swing is too spontaneous of a word. I should say, I look forward to the routine of life again. I have no idea how "spontaneous" people continue to live life spontaneously. I feel that even they would have
some kind of routine that needs to continue in order to feel normal. Take for instance this one guy I know. He and his wife are always surprising each other with special "nuggets" of love, and dinners, and vacations. They are really spontaneous! Even tonight, he was talking about surprising his wife with a trip up to Seattle for a special sing along to the "Sound of Music" musical. Again, the word for this is spontaneous. He just got back from a surprise trip to see his family that his wife got him for Christmas. Again, spontaneous. Do these people have routines at all? Or are they living in this world where anything goes? I think I would want in. That sounds kinda fun.
But then I tasted that life. For that past two weeks it feels like my routine loving world got thrown into the magic bullet I got for Christmas two years ago. We had an amazing Christmas party planned, but it got canceled because Jack Frost wanted to follow me from Chicago to give us a white Christmas. So no Connections party, and no Transit party. Sad. Very Sad.
Then my routine for the past bajillion years got ruined. They canceled church. Yeah, every Sunday, week in, week out. Canceled. I did get a snow ball thrown at me by the pastor though, so that was fun.
Then the power goes out on Monday, and I don't go in to the office, and my routine is going out the door completely. But Christmas time is here, and we should be full of cheer. But wait. Brooke and I don't have any family around, so we have an "off" Christmas eve. But that will be made up for on Christmas day when we have an amazing family Christmas breakfast...at a truck stop in Ellensburg. Spontaneous! More like Bizzarro world.
All this to say that I look forward to 2009. We sent out the new calendars with the next five months planned! We are back to the Bible in Connections, studying Ye Ole’ Testament in Crosstalk, there are mission trip meetings, bible studies, special events that are planned. Ah, the routine is flooding back into my life! This doesnt mean it's going to be boring…with this five month planner calendar we just sent out, it means we can
plan in fun events that would normally be considered Spontaneous! Like the special Luia Connections we have planned. Planning these five months was hard for me, but what I can I say? I like routine.
Which is why I joined a gym. The new membership means that my daily routine is this: wake up, walk dog, eat breakfast/read the bible, work out, go to work, come home, dinner with wife, watch "lost" season four, walk dog, sleep, repeat. I will try to get some tips from all of you (and that spontaneous guy I know) about being spontaneous occasionally, but for now...see you at these planned events!